www.oceania-aviation.com 11/03/2019
www.oceanoairport.com 15/11/2014
www.oerie.de/index.php/geschichte-n/b-24 15/02/2016 Oerie war von den direkten Auswirkungen der
Bomberangriffe der allierten Luftwaffe weitgehend verschont geblieben.
www.ofmc.co.uk 05/04/2014
www.ohwy.com/az/c/confedaf.htm 16/02/2017
www.ojovolador.com/esp/version360 15/03/2015
www.oklahomamuseumofflying.org 20/09/2018
www.okmodel.co.jp 20/09/2018
www.okwreckchasing.org 14/08/2020 Oklahoma Wreckchasing.
www.old-flying-machine-company.co.uk 13/03/2017 The Old Flying Machine Company, formed in
1981 by Ray Hanna and his children Mark and Sarah, maintains and operates rare
historic aircraft in airworthy condition.
www.oldglebe.freeserve.co.uk/steveshome.html 11/03/2015
www.oldgloryprints.com/aviation%20art.htm 18/08/2014
www.oldprops.ukhome.net 26/08/2014
www.oldrhinebeck.org 10/04/2014
www.olympicflightmuseum.com/index.php 19/02/2017
www.omega-models.com 11/03/2015
www.omfc.org 30/03/2020
www.omhphotos.com 30/03/2020
www.omhphotos.com/f88529673 26/08/2014
www.oncealoft.com 12/10/2014
www.on-target-aviation.com/aircraft.html 22/11/2017
www.on-target-aviation.com/airfields.html 22/11/2017
www.on-target-aviation.com/XX894_Bucc.html 22/11/2017
www.onwar.com/weapons/aircraft/AttackIndex/natsigIndex.html 31/07/2017
www.opencockpit.net 16/02/2017
www.opsmobil.com 01/01/2015
www.orbitalatk.com 11/03/2015
www.ornithopter.de 31/07/2019
Wie Ornithopter fliegen. Entwicklung, Theorie und Flugpraxis großer
Ornithopter-Modelle des Autors. Das Prinzip der Auftriebs- und Schuberzeugung
beim Schlagflug wird dabei erklärt.
www.ornithopter.net 07/09/2019 Project Ornithopter.
www.ornithopter.org 07/09/2019 The Ornithopter Zone is the web site of the
Ornithopter Society. Patrick Deshaye started the Ornithopter Society, in 1984,
to help bring together what little was known at the time about ornithopters.
www.ornithopter-pilot.com 07/09/2019
Ornithopter-pilot. Website of Patricia Jones-Bowman, designer of
Nightingale ornithopter [flapping wing aircraft] and ornithopter test-pilot.
www.osv-ch.org/index.php 26/08/2014
www.outbackballooning.com.au 30/07/2014 Outback Ballooning is Australia’s only
balloon company specialising in remote Outback operations. With over 25 years
experience and around 250,000 satisfied customers it is one of the largest and
longest established ballooning businesses in Australia.
www.outermarker.co.uk 22/11/2017
www.ov-1.com 16/06/2016 A History of the OV-1 Mohawk in Vietnam 1962
www.ov-1.com/73rd_SAC/first.html 16/06/2016 Welcome to the 73rd SAC Home Page. Hey
fellow Mohawkers! If you have made it this far... you probably got here by
using a search engine - or, you might have arrived here by the means of a handy
link from another page somewhere.
www.ov10film.com 06/02/2018 “One Tough Ride” uncovers the story of the
men and the mission of the OV-10 Bronco. OV-10 creators K.P. Rice and Bill
Beckett tell the OV-10’s difficult journey from idea to final output.
www.overthefront.com 21/08/2014 The story of the League of World War One
Aviation Historians begins at a meeting called in April 1985 in Dallas, Texas,
by George Williams, one of the field's most active researchers.
www.ozatwar.com/49fg.htm 27/03/2014
www.ozatwar.com/5thaf.htm 27/03/2014
www.ozatwar.com/airfields.htm 27/03/2014
www.ozatwar.com/bomboz.htm 27/03/2014
www.ozatwar.com/nei-af.htm 27/03/2014
www.p166.com 02/01/2017
www.p38assn.org 21/02/2017 The P-38 National Association is a
non-profit organization whose purpose is to collect data and memorabilia to
preserve and perpetuate the memory of this classic WWII aircraft, the P-38
"Lockheed Lightning", for future generations.
www.p38assn.org/museum.htm 03/04/2017 The P38 National Association is a non-profit
organization whose purpose is to preserve and perpetuate the memory of this
classic WWII aircraft, the P38 "Lockheed Lightning," and those who
designed, built, maintained and flew it.
www.p3flyers.ch 07/04/2016 The P3 Flyers History. In the first few
years, simple formation fly-bys with 2 or 3 aircraft were perormed.
www.p3orion.nl 26/10/2017 The P-3 Orion Research Group is a
cooperation of Jaap Dubbeldam and Marco P.J. Borst. We both used to be
"aircraftspotters" at the former RNLNAS Valkenburg in The
Netherlands. Jaap's P-3 archives go back to the early seventies.
www.p47millville.org 26/10/2017 The Millville Army Air Field Museum
preserves U.S. military aviation history, including the recent Middle East
conflict. Museum programs and tours focus on education about Millville’s vital
role in aviation history and the history of the P-47 Thunderbolt.
www.pabloaerobrasil.net 19/02/2017
www.pac.asn.au 21/02/2017
www.pacificcoastairmuseum.org 11/03/2015
www.pacificpioneers.com 13/09/2015
www.painefield.com 20/02/2017
www.pakistaniaviation.com 21/02/2017
www.panam.org 19/02/2017
www.panamacademy.com 06/03/2017
www.panzer-archiv.de 22/03/2014
www.paracentrumtexel.nl 09/07/2018
Paracentrum Texel werd in 1969 door springpionier Bob Rienks opgericht.
Rechthoekige parachutes bestonden niet, de ronde parachute was de norm en de
vrije val alleen voor zeer ervaren springers.
www.pararescue.ca/Para_Rescue/Welcome.html 24/04/2014
www.parisaeroport.fr 09/11/2017
www.parisaeroport.fr 09/11/2017
www.parkflyers.com 03/04/2020
www.partsbase.com/landing/home 21/02/2017
www.patrick.af.mil 19/02/2017
www.pawnee.com 19/02/2017
www.pbase.com/denham 29/05/2019
www.pbase.com/fleeting_images/aircraft 29/05/2019
www.pbase.com/spudakus/aircraft_catalog 21/02/2017
www.pbase.com/tanguero/aircrafts 21/02/2017
www.pb-photos.com 26/08/2014
www.pcpilot.net 01/04/2018
www.pdgaviationservices.com 05/06/2020 PDG Aviation Services. Helicopter Lifting,
Filming & Charter. Helicopter services for chartering, aerial lifting,
aerial survey and aerial filming. PDG Helicopters operate from bases in
Ireland, England and Scotland.
www.peachstateaero.com 28/10/2019
Peach State Aerodrome is a public/private airport in Williamson, Ga.,
just an hour south of Atlanta. This vibrant airport community is home to
Barnstormer’s Grill & Event Center, the Candler Field Museum and Youth
Aviation Program, as well as Peach State Airpark, a planned aviation homesite
www.peachstateaero.com/museum 17/10/2015
www.pemcoair.com/conversions 06/05/2018
www.pemcoair.com/home/mro 06/05/2018
www.penair.com 21/02/2017
www.penturbo.com 21/02/2017
www.peoplesmosquito.org.uk 05/03/2019
www.peregrinehelicopters.com 27/07/2014
www.perfectflite.com 19/11/2019
www.perthairport.com.au/index.aspx 26/08/2014
www.peterson.spaceforce.mil 02/01/2021 Peterson-Schriever Garrison. The garrison’s
mission is to enable USSF and partner mission execution of eight functional
space deltas and more than 80 mission partners across 22 world-wide locations
through the provision of integrated USSF and United States Air Force Base
Operating Support, Combat Service Support, and Garrison Support Agency
www.pgcsoaring.org 18/09/2020 Philadelphia Glider Council. Fly a Glider
Plane. Bucks County, PA. The dream of flying is real and affordable. Experience
the wonder of pure flight by flying a glider!
www.pgcsoaring.org/index.php 17/06/2014
www.phiairmedical.com 23/02/2015
www.phl.org 21/02/2017
www.phoebusapollo.co.za 29/05/2014
www.photohome.com/photos/aircraft-pictures/aircraft-pictures.html 21/02/2017
www.pia.com 13/09/2015
www.piac.com.pk 13/09/2015
www.piasecki.com 21/02/2017
www.pilatus-aircraft.com 21/02/2017
www.pilotenbunker.de 22/03/2014
www.pilotmall.com 21/02/2017 Pilot Gear, Pilot Supplies & Aviation
Accessories Store. We're your one-stop shop for Pilot Gear, Pilot Supplies,
Aviation Headsets, Pilot Accessories & Aviation Equipment. FREE SHIPPING on
orders over $100!.
www.pilotslogonline.com 26/08/2014
www.pilotsweb.com 01/02/2017 We welcome all the readers of the Pilot's
Web Aviation Journal. As the electronic media becomes an ordinary source of
information in the modern society, we offer this journal as a free source of
information and other related aviation issues.
www.pilotundflugzeug.de 01/02/2017 Pilot und Flugzeug Artikel - Aktuelles.
Pilot und Flugzeug berichtet über fliegerische Praxis, Reisen und das Umfeld -
Luftraumstruktur, Flugsicherung, Behörden.
www.pilotwarehouse.co.uk 20/02/2018 Pilot Warehouse are aviation publishers,
manufacturers and distributors of pilot's training, navigational, aircraft and
touring accessories. Specialists in aviation uniform, pilot shirts &
www.pilotweatherbriefing.com 06/02/2017 The "Pilot Weather Briefing" site
was designed by aviation meteorologist Robert Lattery as a means for pilots to
easily obtain the latest and best weather data available on the World Wide Web
before they receive a formal pre-flight briefing.
www.pilotweb.aero/home 21/02/2017
www.pimaair.org 19/02/2017
www.pinnacle.aero 14/12/2016
www.pinnacleaviation.com 14/12/2016
www.pionair.com.au 21/02/2017
www.pipermuseum.com 19/02/2017
www.pixture.co.uk 26/08/2014
www.pj-production.be/fr 21/02/2017
www.planadores.org.br 15/02/2017
www.planeandpilotmag.com 31/05/2019
www.planeboats.com 02/06/2019
www.planeboys.de 02/06/2019
www.planecheck.com 02/06/2019
www.planecrashinfo.com 02/06/2019
www.planecrashinfo.com/lastwords.htm 02/06/2019
www.planecrazy.biz 02/06/2019
www.planecrazydownunder.com 02/06/2019
www.planejobs.com 25/09/2016 PlaneJobs is an employment and recruitment
web site serving the aviation industry exclusively. The company was founded in
1999 to provide employers a venue where aviation industry jobs could be
advertised and recruited for exclusively within the aviation industry.
www.plane-mad.com 26/08/2014
www.planepictures.net/v3/index.php 21/02/2017
www.planepix.nl 05/12/2014
www.planeplace.com/planeplace001.htm 05/12/2014
www.planes.cz/cs 05/12/2014
www.planesafe.org 05/12/2014
www.planesandchoppers.com 05/12/2014
www.planesoffame.org 20/02/2017
www.planespotters.net 05/12/2014
www.planespotting.com/blog 05/12/2014
www.planespotting.net 19/02/2017
www.planespotting.nl 05/12/2014
www.planestupid.com 05/12/2014
www.plaza.ch/skyship 18/10/2016
www.plaza.ch/stones 18/10/2016
www.polarpilots.ca 17/08/2014
www.pooleys.com 24/02/2017
www.porcupinemountainsb-17.com 15/03/2015
www.portugalspotters.org 17/08/2014
www.postwarv2.com 11/03/2017
www.postwarv2.com 11/03/2017
www.pra.org 21/02/2017
www.prcraig.com 20/02/2017
www.primeimages.co.uk 22/11/2017
www.primeportal.net/home.htm 13/05/2018
www.primeportal.net/the_airstrip.htm 21/02/2017
www.prism-helicopters.com 08/07/2014
www.prismz.com/helio 08/07/2014
www.propellerblatt.de 03/02/2017
www.propilotmag.com 15/11/2020 Professional Pilot Magazine. Professional
Pilot magazine is for executives in charge of company flight departments,
aviation managers, chief pilots, line pilots and maintenance chief.
www.prop-liners.com/tta.htm 18/08/2016
www.prop-powered.de 22/03/2014
www.psilabs.com 21/02/2017
www.ptaeromuseum.com 19/02/2017
www.public.navy.mil/AIRFOR/chsmwp/Pages/default.aspx 26/10/2017 Commander, Helicopter Maritime Strike Wing,
U.S. Pacific Fleet Welcomes You! Congratulations, you are joining the Navy's
finest helicopter wing, employing the venerable SH-60B and brand new MH-60R
helicopters in the Pacific Fleet!
www.public.nm.eurocontrol.int/PUBPORTAL 21/08/2020 NOP. Network Operations Portal.
www.puebloballoon.com 14/10/2017
www.pw.utc.com 21/02/2017
www.pwc.ca 21/02/2017
www.pzl.swidnik.pl 21/02/2017
www.pzlmielec.pl 06/02/2017 Polskie Zakłady Lotnicze Sp. z o.o. - PZL
Mielec, spółka zależna Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation jest największym w Polsce
producentem samolotów, rozszerzającym profil produkcji o wytwarzanie struktur
lotniczych i produkcję helikopterów.
www.qfom.com.au 25/04/2014
www.quax-flieger.de 4/6/2022 QUAX-Verein. Quax Verein zur Förderung von
historischem Fluggerät e.V. Im Jahr 2006 im westfälischen Hamm gegründet,
teilen wir unsere Begeisterung mit mittlerweile rund 800 Mitgliedern aus der
ganzen Republik.
www.quicksilveraircraft.com 10/01/2016 Founded by Dick Eipper, Eipper Formance
began manufacturing Quicksilver ultralights in the late 1970s when hang gliding
was very popular.
www.raafawa.org.au/museum 03/08/2017
www.radarpages.co.uk/index.htm 20/02/2018 The Radar Pages is dedicated to preserving
the memory of R.A.F. air defence radar personnel and equipment.
www.radarvirtuel.com 26/08/2014
www.radfanhunters.co.uk/mainframeset.htm 21/11/2015
www.radiolink.com.cn/docc 23/07/2018
www.radiolink.com.cn/doce 23/07/2018
www.radiosouthrc.com 08/11/2015
www.radiusairshows.com 01/02/2017
www.radrocketeers.org 19/11/2019
www.raf.mod.uk 30/03/2020
Royal Air Force. The RAF works with partners around the world to
strengthen national and international security and to protect the interests and
influence of the UK and our allies.
www.raf.mod.uk/aircadets 13/09/2015
www.raf.mod.uk/bbmf 15/08/2016
www.raf.mod.uk/history 01/02/2017
www.raf.mod.uk/rafmaa 13/03/2017 Welcome to RAF Model Aircraft Association.
From its inception in 1949 the RAFMAA has been one of the driving forces of the
sport and, despite a contracting Royal Air Force, still has members competing
at both National and World Championship level.
www.raf38group.org 20/03/2017
www.rafa.org.uk 21/03/2019 Royal Air Forces Association. We are the
leading membership organisation and charity providing welfare support for
Serving and Ex-Serving RAF personnel and their families.
www.rafandluftwaffe.info 09/02/2018 My name is Knut Larsson and I live at Ås,
about 35 km south of Oslo in Norway. I have for almost 50 years been interested
in the Air War over the Nordic area during World War 2.
www.rafiger.de 21/03/2019 RaFiGer's kleine/little IL-2 & Forgotten
Battles Seite/Page. Fanpage zum Flugsimulator IL-2 Sturmovik, Fanpage for the
Flightsimulation IL-2 Sturmovik and BOX Series.
www.rafinfo.org.uk 08/04/2017 207 SQUADRON ROYAL AIR FORCE HISTORY.
www.rafinfo.org.uk/rafescape 08/04/2017 ROYAL AIR FORCES ESCAPING SOCIETY 1945-1995.
2803 Royal Air Forces aircrew who were shot down during WWII either escaped
from captivity or, in the vast majority of cases, evaded capture.
www.rafinfo.org.uk/rafexpow 08/04/2017 Royal Air Forces Ex-Pow Association. Over
10,000 airmen of the Royal Air Force became Prisoners of War (POW) during World
War II, including naval and other service fliers.
www.rafjever.org 11/04/2014
www.raf-lichfield.co.uk/home.htm 08/04/2017 The Association was formed in 1990 with the
purpose of keeping service and civilian personnel, who served at RAF Lichfield,
in touch with each other and for the Association to contact relatives of those
who lost their lives whilst serving here.
www.raf-lincolnshire.info 01/02/2017
www.rafmanston.co.uk 08/04/2017 RAF Manston History Museum. Manston started
its Aviation days as a Royal Naval Station in 1916, with a base at Westgate Bay
for seaplanes.
www.rafmillom.co.uk 08/04/2017 RAF Mallom Museum, based near
Burrow-In-Furness in Cumbria, on the North West Coast, sadly closed its doors
for the last time in 2010. Times were hard, and so it went into voluntary
liquidation so as to avoid its escalating costs.
www.rafmontrose.org.uk 11/04/2014
www.rafmountainrescue.com 11/04/2014
www.rafmtd.co.uk 08/04/2017 RAFMTD. The Online Portal for existing and
retired RAF MT Drivers. A2Z of drivers, Trace a Mate, Pictures, Reunions and
much more.
www.rafmuseum.org.uk 23/08/2019 The Royal Air Force Museum was established
as a legacy of the RAF’s fiftieth anniversary, opening our London (Hendon) site
in 1972.
www.rafmuseum.org.uk/cosford 08/04/2017 The Royal Air Force Museum Cosford is
located in Shropshire and offers a fun, entertaining day out for all the entire
family. Situated next to an active airfield, this is the only place in the
Midlands where you can get close to so many breathtaking aircraft for free.
www.rafmuseum.org.uk/london 23/05/2017 London - RAF Museum. The RAF Museum, London,
is starting a programme of capital transformation to mark the RAF’s Centenary
in 2018.
www.rafoban.co.uk 11/04/2014
www.rafoban.co.uk/page1.htm 08/04/2017 Royal Air Force Station Oban. Oban, in the
north west of Scotland, was surveyed by the Royal Air Force as a potential base
for flying-boat operations in the early 1930's and it's suitability confirmed
by exercises with the Home Fleet.
www.r-a-f-s.org/index.html 11/04/2014
www.raf-upper-heyford.org 08/06/2018 Royal Air Force Station. Upper Heyford. This
web site is not directly associated with the base today. This web site has been
created as a tribute to the now inactive air base, RAF Upper Heyford.
www.rafweb.org 08/06/2018 100 years of military flying. This is a
private website and the author has no official connection with the RAF or the
Ministry of Defence.
www.rainbowryders.com 29/10/2017
www.raketenspezialisten.de 03/01/2017
www.rammodels.co.uk 01/02/2017
www.ranfranz.com 10/04/2020
www.rans.com 10/04/2020
www.rareaviationphotos.com 19/02/2017
www.rattworks.net 19/11/2019
www.rcaf.museum 15/12/2014
www.rcaf-arc.forces.gc.ca/en/events/booking.page 01/02/2017
www.rcairplane.net/index7.html 11/04/2014
www.rcairplane.net/index9.html 11/04/2014
www.rc-airplane-advisor.com 11/04/2014
www.rc-airplanes.com 11/04/2014
www.rc-airplane-world.com 11/04/2014
www.rc-airplane-world.com/queensland-rc-model-aero-clubs.html 11/04/2014
www.rc-airplane-world.com/rc-airplane-clubs.html 11/04/2014
www.rc-airplane-world.com/rc-transmitter-modes.html 11/04/2014
www.rcgroups.com/forums/channels.php?id=16 29/01/2017
www.rcgroups.com/forums/channels.php?id=29 29/01/2017
www.rcgroups.com/forums/channels.php?id=33 29/01/2017
www.rcgroups.com/forums/channels.php?id=38 29/01/2017
www.rcgroups.com/forums/index.php 29/01/2017
www.rcgroups.com/forums/member.php 29/01/2017
www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?183916-Advanced-Covering-Techniques-with-Solite 29/01/2017
www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?184236-Covering-Models-with-Fiberglass-Cloth 29/01/2017
www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?190499-Covering-Foam-Wings-With-Ordinary-Brown-Paper 29/01/2017
www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?259388-The-Hows-and-Whys-of-Silkspan-Covering 29/01/2017
www.rcooper.0catch.com/index.htm 05/09/2018 The Early Birds of Aviation, Inc. An
organization of pioneers who flew solo before December 17, 1916.
www.rc-soar.com/tech/perfanal.htm 29/02/2016
www.rc-soar.com/tech/thermals.htm 29/02/2016
www.rcsoaring.com/pierceaero 29/02/2016
www.rcsoaring.org 29/02/2016
www.rcsoaringdigest.com 29/02/2016
www.rcstars.org 29/02/2016
www.rd-rc.com 05/10/2015
www.reach4thesky.co.uk 23/03/2014
www.realsimulation.co.uk 07/03/2018
www.redballoon.com.au/flying-experiences/hot-air-ballooning 25/09/2015
www.redballoon.nl 25/09/2015
www.redcat.co.nz 17/02/2022
www.repaonline.com 13/09/2015
www.reptar.hu 09/09/2019 A RepTár, Szolnok város repülőmúzeuma,
egyedülálló repüléstörténeti kiállítóhely Kelet-Európában. A múzeum több mint 4
500 m2 fedett kiállítóterével, és mintegy 60 000 m2 alapterületével már mérete
okán is figyelemre tarthat számot.
www.repulomuzeum.hu 09/09/2019 Egy amatőr honlap a Szolnoki Repülőmúzeum
kincseiről. An amateur website about the treasures of the Aircraft Museum of
www.repulomuzeum.hu/ENGLISH.htm 16/06/2016
www.richard-seaman.com 25/08/2014
www.richthofen.com 21/02/2017
www.richthofen.com/dark_autumn 24/02/2015
www.richthofen.com/hall 24/02/2015
www.richthofen.com/rickenbacker 21/02/2017
www.rideair.com 23/04/2016
www.river-rats.org 26/08/2018
www.rjlee.org/superbug-home.htm 21/03/2019 It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's... Superbug!
Boeing F/A-18E Super Hornet, BuNo. 165665 ("NJ-173"). Moffett Federal
Airfield, California, September 13, 2003.
www.rjlee.org/vulrow.html 21/03/2019 Vulture's Row Home Page. Vulture's Row was
created on May 22, 1995.
www.rjlee.org/welcome.html 21/03/2019 This website was launched on May 22, 1995,
when the World Wide Web was in the midst of an accelerated adolescence.
www.rjmitchell-spitfire.co.uk 23/05/2017 RJ Mitchell. A life in Aviation. Spitfire
and Battle of Britain. RJ Mitchell managed Supermarine which built the Battle
of Britain Spitfire, flying boats and Schneider Trophy winning aircraft.
www.rjp-photo.co.uk/index.htm 01/02/2017
www.rk-flugdienst.de 28/03/2014
www.rlm.at 09/02/2018 Plastikmodellbau ist ein interessantes
Hobby, und mit jedem neuen Bausatz stellen sich neue Fragen: wo bekomme ich
Decals, welchen Anstrich hatte das Original, wie mache ich es noch besser?
www.rlp.cz/Stranky/default.aspx 31/05/2018 Posláním ŘLP ČR, s.p. je podílet se na
zajišťování bezpečných, nákladově efektivních a dlouhodobě udržitelných
letových navigačních služeb v prostředí vytvářejících se funkčních bloků
vzdušného prostoru, které naplní očekávání všech uživatelů z pohledu dnešní a
budoucí poptávky v dynamicky se rozvíjejícím prostředí letecké dopravy jak na
národní úrovni, tak v kontextu vývoje ATM v Evropě.
www.rmas.de 17/08/2014
www.robert-stetter.de 26/08/2014
www.robinsfyi.com 25/04/2014
www.robinsfyi.com/aviation/airports.htm 25/04/2014
www.robinsfyi.com/aviation/aviation.htm 25/04/2014
www.robinsfyi.com/aviation/crew.htm 25/04/2014
www.robinsfyi.com/aviation/humor.htm 25/04/2014
www.robinsfyi.com/aviation/tours.htm 25/04/2014
www.rochester-airport.co.uk 26/08/2014
www.rocketarium.com 19/11/2019
www.rocketreviews.com 19/11/2019
www.rocketryforum.com 19/11/2019
www.rokamerykanski.muzeumlotnictwa.pl 18/04/2020
Rok Amerykański. Muzeum Lotnictwa Polskiego w Krakowie.
www.romaspotters.it 17/08/2014
www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~ny330bg/home.htm 28/05/2017
www.rotors.co.za 23/02/2015
www.rotorway.com 06/02/2017 RotorWay began in 1964 when Rotorway founder
B.J. Schramm designed and built the Javelin helicopter prototype. What was
learned from the Javelin was put into RotorWay’s first production helicopter
the Scorpion.
www.rotorworks.com 21/02/2017 Rotorworks Inc. is located at the Whitecourt
Airport, an easy two-hour drive northwest of Edmonton towards the city of
Grande Praire, Alberta.
www.rquirk.com 30/01/2016 Robert Quirk's Home Page.
www.rquirk.com/120.html 04/02/2016 120 Squadron RAF. 120 Squadron was reformed
on June 2, 1941 at Nutts Corner. Throughout Word War II it served with Coastal
Command flying Consolidated Liberators. It was disbanded on June 4, 1945.
www.rquirk.com/1354.htm 04/02/2016 1354 Flight RAF. Formed on July 1, 1945 by
renumbering the DDT Flght at Digri. Initially name No. 1354 (DDT Spraying)
www.rquirk.com/1354flt/colonel.html 04/02/2016 Perhaps no B-24 illustrates both the output
of the factories building Liberators in the US, and the number which flowed to
the RAF via Lend-Lease, than the aircraft named "The Kentucky
www.rquirk.com/159.html 05/10/2015
www.rquirk.com/160.html 05/10/2015
www.rquirk.com/203.html 05/10/2015
www.rquirk.com/215.html 05/10/2015
www.rquirk.com/292.html 05/10/2015
www.rquirk.com/history.html 05/10/2015
www.rquirk.com/negus.htm 05/10/2015
www.rquirk.com/seac.html 05/10/2015
www.russellw.com 21/08/2019
www.russellw.com/manuals/warner/default.htm 21/08/2019
www.russellw.com/planes/fairchild22/default.htm 21/08/2019
www.russianhelicopters.aero/en 12/09/2016 Russian Helicopters is a leading player in
the global helicopter industry, the sole Russian rotorcraft designer and
manufacturer and one of the few companies worldwide with the capability to
design, manufacture, service and test modern civilian and military helicopters.
www.ruudleeuw.com 03/02/2016
www.ruudleeuw.com/c-46_in_alaska.htm 03/02/2016
www.ruudleeuw.com/convair.htm 03/02/2016
www.ruudleeuw.com/search116.htm 03/02/2016
www.rvuk.co.uk/news.php 25/09/2015
www.rwebs.net/avhistory 26/09/2015
www.s2tracker.com 21/11/2015 The S-2 Tracker Museum-Welcome!. The S-2
Tracker (originally the S-2A) was the first aircraft designed from the start to
operate from the U.S. Navy's new generation of anti-submarine warfare carriers.
www.sabca.be/pages/012/Home.en.php 11/07/2019 SABCA is one of the main aerospace companies
in Belgium. Founded in 1920, it has built an extensive and varied know-how
based on its 95+ years experience in designing, building and upgrading large
and complex elements for aircraft and space launchers.
www.sallyb.org.uk 13/03/2017 B-17 Preservation Ltd - The Sally B Website.
The official website of Sally B, the UK's last airworthy B-17 flying fortress.
www.salzburg-aviationspotter.com/core 16/01/2016
www.sam-aircraft.com 15/11/2017 SAM Aircraft assets (including the design
and flying prototype) were acquired late last year by the sons of aircraft
designer Chris Heintz, the owners and operators of Zenith Aircraft Company (in
the U.S.) and Zenair Ltd. (in Canada).
www.samara-airlines.ru 13/09/2015
www.samsmodels.com 02/07/2018
www.sandhillsoaring.org 20/08/2017
www.sandiegoairandspace.org 24/02/2015
www.sandyair.com 22/03/2014
www.sanicole.com 30/05/2014
www.sanyemodel.com 25/12/2014
www.scalemodelindex.com/air.htm 01/02/2017
www.scorpionaviation.com 24/04/2014
www.scramble.nl 22/02/2020
www.scramble.nl/airports.htm 24/04/2014
www.scramble.nl/orbats/syria/summary 15/10/2017
www.scramble.nl/show-dates 15/10/2017
www.scramble.nl/sis-summary 15/10/2017
www.scramble.nl/wiki 15/10/2017
www.sdwingmasters.com 12/11/2021
www.se.cessna.com 21/08/2014
www.seabee.info 21/11/2015 Steinar's Hangar. Republic Seabee STOL. Twin
Bee. Trident Trigull. Thurston Teal. DHC-3 Otter. DHC-6 Twin Otter. Helicopters
719 Squadron Norway.
www.seas.ucla.edu/~osmith/s51 16/04/2017
www.seatguru.com 18/08/2014
www.seavixen.org 19/08/2016
www.segelflyget.se 28/08/2019 Svenska Segelflygförbundet.
www.semae.org 07/05/2018
www.senasa.es 23/07/2018
www.senasa.es/aviaciondeportiva 23/07/2018
www.senasa.es/portada.aspx?lang=es-ES&IDPagina=29 23/07/2018
www.senioraereo.com.br 27/11/2017
www.seniorpattern.com 27/11/2017
www.senlisaeromodele.fr 27/11/2020 Senlis Aéromodèle.
www.sensenich.com 01/01/2017
www.sentry.hangar1.net 26/08/2014
www.serfi.org 07/09/2019 SERFI an EAA aviation fly-in with aircraft
of all types ranging from ultralights to Warbirds with helicopters, fixed wings
and more.
www.setp.org 16/03/2019
www.sfahistory.org 30/10/2017
www.sfce.de 17/01/2016
www.sfomuseum.org 13/04/2020 SFO Museum. Created in 1980, SFO Museum was
the first cultural institution of its kind located in an international airport.
www.sgmst.nl/index.php 01/02/2017
www.sharpshooter-maj.com 25/08/2014
www.shaw.af.mil 26/08/2018
www.sheffield.com 09/12/2015
www.shell.com/business-customers/aviation/aeroshell.html 06/03/2017
www.shopofphantoms.com/rhino/Pulsar/de_DE.Shop.displayShop.1./home 11/03/2017 Auf unserer Webseite findet Ihr hoch
qualitative Produkte rund um die Militärfliegerei – von A wie AirDOC, über W
wie Wingman Models, von B wir Bücher bis Z wie Zubehör.
www.shorehamairport.co.uk 01/02/2017
www.shuttleworth.org/the-collection 01/02/2017
www.sia.aviation-civile.gouv.fr 31/07/2019 Le Service de l’Information Aéronautique
(SIA) est le service central de la Direction des Services de la Navigation
Aérienne de la Direction Générale de l’Aviation Civile, chargé de rendre les
services d'information aéronautique nécessaires à la sécurité, à la régularité
et à l'efficacité de la navigation aérienne nationale et internationale.
www.siegerland-airport.de 07/12/2014
www.sikorsky.com/Pages/Home.aspx 06/12/2014 Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation is a world
leader in the design, manufacture and service of military and commercial
helicopters; fixed-wing aircraft; spare parts and maintenance, repair and
overhaul services for helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft; and civil helicopter
www.simhq.com 01/04/2018
www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/content.php 29/09/2016
www.sirviper.com 28/10/2015
www.skattora.com 16/03/2015
www.skippyscage.com/aviation 26/04/2014
www.skybrary.aero/index.php/Main_Page 06/10/2021 SKYbrary Aviation Safety. SKYbrary is an
electronic repository of safety knowledge related to flight operations, air
traffic management (ATM) and aviation safety in general.
www.skybriefing.com/portal 17/09/2015
www.skycolors.com 18/10/2015
www.skycovers.com 18/10/2015
www.sky-craft.co.uk 18/10/2015
www.skydanceheli.com 18/10/2015
www.skydanceraviation.com 18/10/2015
www.skydive-ameland.nl 09/07/2018 Ameland heeft al een lange "spring
ervaring" en was samen met Paracentrum Texel-Spa een van de twee
commerciele centra's in Nederland in het begin van de 70er jaren.
www.skydivegrandbend.com 18/10/2015
www.skydive-zeeland.nl/nl/home 09/07/2018 Skydive Zeeland is een paracentrum gelegen
op de Zeeuwse eilanden. Door de combinatie van zee, rivieren en land is het
uitzicht uniek. U kunt hier met recht spreken van “a jump with a view”.
www.sky-flash.com/index.htm 01/02/2017
www.sky-lens.com 25/08/2014
www.skyraider.org 23/07/2014 The Official A-1 Skyraider Site. Welcome to
two great websites about the Douglas Skyraider.
www.skyraider.org/skyassn/index.htm 02/09/2016 The A-1 Skyraider Association. Online
continuously for more than 17 years!
www.skystef.be 01/02/2017
www.smaengines.com 01/05/2020
www.smartin67.freeserve.co.uk/fairlopsite.htm 26/08/2014
www.soaring.ab.ca 15/02/2017
www.soaringmuseum.org 19/02/2017
www.solar-flight.com/home 12/06/2015
www.solentskymuseum.org 01/02/2017
www.solo-alphajet.com 01/02/2017
www.solway-aviation-museum.co.uk 29/01/2018
www.southernmuseumofflight.org 07/09/2019 Historical Flight and Airplane Museum.
Southern Museum of Flight. See the history of flight, airplanes, and the
Alabama Aviation Hall of Fame at the Southern Museum of Flight, located in
Birmingham, Alabama.
www.south-pole.com/p0000153.htm 18/06/2014
www.southyorkshireaircraftmuseum.org.uk 07/09/2015
www.speedway.ne.jp/~prince 30/05/2014
www.spiritoffreedom.org 01/04/2018
www.spiritsofansett.com 26/08/2014
www.spiritsofansett.com/history/aircraft.html 26/08/2014
www.spitfireart.com 12/04/2014
www.spitfiremuseum.org.uk 08/04/2017 The Memorial Museum Building houses an ever
increasing number of memorabilia, both military and civil, mainly from the
1939-45 World War II period and which are well worth viewing.
www.spitfireperformance.com 12/04/2014
www.spitfireperformance.com/mustang/combat-reports.html 12/04/2014
www.spitfirepv270.co.nz 12/04/2014
www.spitfiresocietyeastern.org.uk 22/11/2015
www.spitsbergenairshipmuseum.com 22/11/2015
www.spurensuchesh.de 22/03/2014
www.spyflight.co.uk/main.htm 01/02/2017
www.squadronprints.com 01/02/2017
www.sr71.org 09/09/2014
www.sr-71.org 20/02/2017
www.sr71.us 09/09/2014
www.sr71.us/kelly1.htm 09/09/2014
www.sr71blackbirds.com 09/09/2014
www.ssa.org 22/09/2021 Soaring Society of America. Glider Pilots
Community. Learn how to Soar with the Soaring Society of America. Find local
soaring chapters and become a glider pilot within the aviation community.
www.stanstedaviation.co.uk 26/08/2014
www.stanzelmuseum.org 06/02/2017 The Stanzel Model Aircraft Museum. The main
Museum features interactive exhibits and 30 static displays. The tour begins
with a multimedia presentation showing the history of flight and how it
passionately influenced Victor and Joe Stanzel.
www.staplesandvine.com 23/04/2019
www.starfighters.net 01/02/2017
www.starfighters.nl 19/02/2017
www.starksravings.com 19/05/2021 Classic Aircraft Restoration and Fairy
Tales. The history and restoration of classic World War I and World War II
aircraft. Backyard Fairy Tales.
www.starksravings.com/aviation_history/aviation_pictures.htm 08/05/2018
www.starksravings.com/bd_5/bd_5_program.htm 08/05/2018
www.starksravings.com/f-86/f_86_restoration.htm 08/05/2018
www.starrocketry.com 19/11/2019
www.stars.ca 10/08/2014 STARS Air Ambulance.
www.startergenerator.com 23/07/2018
www.stclairphoto-imaging.com/360/P51-Mustang/P51_swf.html 28/06/2018
www.steehouwer.com/index.html 01/02/2017
www.stefanv.com 27/11/2017
www.stefanv.com/electric-rc-airplanes 27/11/2017
www.stefanv.com/rcstuff/esc.htm 27/11/2017
www.stefanv.com/rcstuff/qf200005.html 27/11/2017
www.stefanv.com/rcstuff/skis.html 27/11/2017
www.stefanv.com/rcstuff/spectrav.html 27/11/2017
www.stephanebeilliard.com/site 01/02/2017
www.stewart51.com 06/10/2015
www.stewart51.info 16/04/2017
www.stewartaircraft.com/main.html 06/10/2015
www.stewart-aviation.co.uk 06/10/2015
www.stickandrudderphoto.com 25/08/2014
www.strahljäger.de 19/11/2019 Auf dieser Seite wird eine umfangreiche -
natürlich nie komplette - Auflistung von Me 262-Daten sowie weitere deutscher
Raketen- und Strahljäger gezeigt.
www.strangemilitary.com 31/01/2017
www.strikemasterheaven.com/index2.html 16/06/2019 Welcome to Strikemasterheaven - the WWW's
main resource site for the BAC Strikemaster aeroplane.
www.subair.com 30/07/2014
www.sukhoi.org 20/10/2016
www.sunaerohelicopters.com 25/02/2017
www.sunair.co.nz 25/02/2017
www.sunairexpress.com 25/02/2017
www.sunairparts.com 25/02/2017
www.sunriseaviation.com 18/01/2016
www.superconstellation.org/Events/EventList.aspx 17/08/2014
www.supermarineaircraft.com 28/07/2014
www.supermarine-germany.com 28/07/2014
www.supermarine-spitfire.de/html 10/07/2014
www.supersabre.com 26/08/2018
www.svsm.org 03/08/2020 SVSM is a club dedicated to the promotion of
the hobby of scale modeling. Our meetings feature modeling subjects and
programs covering all areas and genres of the hobby.
www.swaviator.com 07/09/2019 Southwest Aviator. Flying magazine for
pilots and aviation enthusiasts in the SW. Airshows, Fly-ins, and Aviation
Events throughout the Southwest, including Arizona, California, Colorado,
Kansas, Nnevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.
www.swerc.com 16/06/2018
www.swissair.aero 16/03/2021
www.swissair.ch 16/03/2021
www.swissmustangs.ch/index2.html 22/03/2014
www.swiss-wings.ch 18/04/2021
www.swopnet.com/flyaustin 28/04/2016
www.swsoaringmuseum.org 22/09/2021
The US Southwest Soaring Museum is one of only two museums in the United
States that is dedicated to gliding / soaring, sailplanes and related aircraft.
www.sydneyairport.com.au 26/08/2014
www.sydneyhelicopters.com.au 21/08/2015
www.synergyeventsuk.com 23/02/2015
www.sywellairshow.co.uk 01/02/2017