www.eaa.org/eaa 5/4/2022 The Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) is a growing and diverse organization of members with a wide range of aviation interests and backgrounds. Founded in 1953 by a group of individuals in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
www.eaa.org/eaa-museum 08/01/2021
EAA Aviation Museum. Located in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, the EAA Aviation
Museum is a year-round destination to explore world class aviation and aircraft
displays and galleries.
www.eaa.org/en/eaa/aviation-communities-and-interests 29/12/2016
www.eaa.org/en/eaa/aviation-communities-and-interests/homebuilt-aircraft-and-homebuilt-aircraft-kits 16/04/2017
www.eaa.org/en/eaa/flight-experiences/aluminum-overcast-eaa-b-17-bomber-tour 29/12/2016
www.eaa.org/en/eaa-museum 05/09/2018
The EAA AirVenture Museum is where your imagination takes flight!
Located in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, the EAA AirVenture Museum is one of the most
extensive aviation attractions in the world - a year-round destination for the
entire family.
www.eaa1000.av.org/avweb/avindex.htm 18/08/2014
www.eaglecopters.cl 16/02/2017
www.ebghelicopters.co.uk 16/02/2017
www.ec47.com/dir.htm 03/07/2014
A History of the EC-47 and it's Mission. A Veterans organization to
preserve the memories and history of this aircraft and it's Top Secret
ARDF/Intelligence Mission in Southease Asia, 1966-74.
www.ec47.com/index.php 20/02/2018
This website is about the EC-47 and the men who flew and maintained the
aircraft during the Vietnam War.
www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/ECFR 10/01/2015
www.edcoatescollection.com 05/09/2018
www.edfmodel.com 22/11/2015
EDFmodel is a knowledge base and shopping service for those who have a
passion for RC Electric Ducted Fan models including RC airliners.
www.efha.eu 13/03/2017
www.efha.eu/indexfra.html 13/03/2017
www.efk.nu 03/03/2016
Eskilstuna FK. Gäster är alltid välkomna, både med egna flygplan och
utan (observera dock att vi tillämpar PPR för gästande motorflygplan).
Bogsering finns ständigt tillgänglig.
www.efk87.dk 20/06/2018
EFK87 er Danmarks første og største special klub for el-flyvning. Vi
spænder over hele flyvespektret, lige fra hyggeflyvning til top performance
modeller, og indenfor alle flyvediscipliner: Svæveflyvning, kunstflyvning,
skalaflyvning, impeller og helikoptere.
www.eflight101.com 11/01/2016
www.eflightmanuals.com 11/01/2016
www.eglin.af.mil 05/06/2020 The official website for the Eglin Air Force
www.eglin.af.mil/photos/index.asp 18/11/2015
www.e-globetravel.com 17/03/2016
We at CHT Cyprus Helicopter Team Ltd. are exclusively focused on the
products and services of the Helicopter Aviation Industry in the Republic of
Cyprus as well as throughout some member states of the European Union.
www.ejectorseats.co.uk 01/02/2017
www.ejercitodelaire.mde.es/EA/museodelaire/index.html 25/04/2018
www.ejercitodelaire.mde.es/ea/pag 17/10/2016
www.elaaviacion.com 18/12/2014
www.elcorreo.com/apoyos/graficos/vizcaya/bombardeo-gernika/grafico.htm 11/01/2015
70 aniversario del bombardeo de Gernika.
www.ellejet.com 25/08/2014
www.ellejet.com/from-biplanes-to-jets-the-history-of-the-airplane.php 01/02/2017
www.elsham.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/raf_bc 13/08/2014
www.enac.fr 05/02/2018
www.enac.fr/en 05/02/2018
www.endeavorair.com 19/09/2017
www.enolagay509th.com 29/01/2016
www.eolair.com/accueil.html 03/04/2017
www.epby.net 17/08/2014
www.equatorair.de/index.htm 05/09/2018
www.esag.org.uk 16/06/2019
The Engineering Science Aviation Group was originally based at (but not
affiliated to) Oxford University and is dedicated to fundraising for RAF
Charities. This is achieved through the sale of original aviation memorabilia.
www.esam.org 05/09/2018
www.eskimo.com/~miriam/eskimo.com/Welcome.html 24/11/2014
www.eurocontrol.int 26/01/2021 Eurocontrol. Supporting European Aviation.
Our activities touch on operations, service provision, concept development,
research, Europe-wide project implementation, performance improvements,
coordination with key aviation players at various levels as well as providing
support to the future evolution and strategic orientations of aviation.
www.euroheli.de 13/07/2018
Die Euroheli Helicopterdienste GmbH ist Ihr starker Partner in Sachen
Hubschrauber in der Region rund um das Nürnberger Land. Darüber hinaus bieten
wir unsere Dienstleistungen aber auch weit über die regionalen Grenzen hinaus
www.europa.com/~swayze 21/07/2014
www.european-airshow.com 15/08/2016
www.evergreenairlines.com 14/06/2014
www.evergreenmuseum.org 20/02/2017
www.ewarbirds.org/aircraft.html 15/12/2015
Aircraft. Estrella Warbirds Museum is dedicated to the restoration and
preservation of military aircraft, vehicles and memorabilia of those who flew
and worked in the military aviation field.
www.ewarbirds.org/index.shtml 19/11/2019 Located in Paso Robles, California, Estrella
Warbirds Museum has long been one of the fastest growing non-profit museums in
Central California.
www.ewuk.co.uk 12/10/2016
www.excaliburaircraft.com 14/07/2018
www.executiveflyers.com 18/04/2020
Executive Flyers is a free resource for pilots offering advice on a
range of topics, including aviation headsets, avionics equipment, and flight
www.exeter-airport.co.uk 21/02/2017
www.exp-aircraft.com 01/07/2015
www.expandingknowledge.com/Jerome/PG/Main.htm 01/07/2015
www.expandingknowledge.com/Jerome/PG/Skill/Acro/Wing_Over/2000_03_19_Gabriel_Jebb.htm 01/07/2015
www.expandingknowledge.com/Jerome/PG/Skill/XC/JayRebbeck_Thermals/Part_1.htm 01/07/2015
www.expandingknowledge.com/Jerome/PG/Skill/XC/JayRebbeck_Thermals/Part_2.htm 01/07/2015
www.expandingknowledge.com/Jerome/PG/Skill/XC/WillGadd_Thermals/Part_1.htm 01/07/2015
www.expandingknowledge.com/Jerome/PG/Skill/XC/WillGadd_Thermals/Part_2.htm 01/07/2015
www.expandingknowledge.com/Jerome/PG/Skill/XC/WillGadd_Thermals/Part_3.htm 01/07/2015
www.experimentalaircraft.info 25/08/2014
www.experimentalairplane.com 13/02/2017
www.eztoys.com 10/03/2015
www.ezy.net/~kjl33u/601HDSZODIAC.html 10/03/2015
www.ezzc.nl 18/06/2014
www.f-100.org/hun.shtml 26/08/2018
www.f-104.net/norseman.html 09/12/2014
www.f-106deltadart.com 19/02/2017
The Convair F-106 Delta Dart was an all-weather delta wing interceptor
aircraft of the United States Air Force from the 1960s through 1988. Designed
as the "Ultimate Interceptor" it waswas the last dedicated
interceptor in USAF to date.
www.f-106deltadart.com/b1b_chase.htm 30/12/2016 B-1B Flight Test Chase Program. Contract
Management Division, USAF Systems Command, by Marty J. Isham and Chief Jon May,
NCOIC of Maintenance Palmdale CA.
www.f-106deltadart.com/lineages.htm 30/12/2016
www.f-111.net 10/03/2021
The website dedicated to the General Dynamics F-111 and its variants in
service with the USAF and RAAF.
www.f-111.net/index.htm 04/12/2019
www.f-14association.com 01/02/2017
www.f-15.nl/tweede.html 19/02/2017
www.f15sim.com 19/02/2017
www.f-16.net 21/02/2017
www.f22fighter.com 01/07/2015
www.f35.com 11/06/2020 The F-35 represents a milestone in aircraft
innovation. In 1997, Lockheed Martin was selected as one of two companies to
participate in the Joint Strike Fighter concept demonstration phase.
www.f4phantom.com/drupal 19/02/2017
www.f4ucorsair.com 13/09/2015
www.faa.gov 06/11/2021 Federal Aviation Administration. We strive
to reach the next level of safety and efficiency and to demonstrate global
leadership in how we safely integrate new users and technologies into our
aviation system.
www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/avs/offices/afs/afs700 21/02/2017
www.faa.gov/air_traffic/publications/media/AIM_Basic_dtd_10-12-17.pdf 24/08/2018
www.faa.gov/air_traffic/publications/media/PCG_10-12-17.pdf 24/08/2018
www.faa.gov/aircraft 31/05/2016 Certification of aircraft by the FAA ensures
that commercial and general aviation aircraft meet the highest safety
standards, from initial design to retirement.
www.faa.gov/data_research 29/01/2016
www.faa.gov/data_statistics/accident_incident 29/01/2016
www.faa.gov/forms/index.cfm/go/document.information/documentID/183711 29/01/2016
www.faa.gov/licenses_certificates 21/02/2017
www.faa.gov/licenses_certificates/aircraft_certification/aircraft_registry 18/06/2018
www.faa.gov/licenses_certificates/airmen_certification/update_address 29/01/2016
www.faa.gov/licenses_certificates/medical_certification/faq 29/01/2016
www.faa.gov/mechanics 29/01/2016
www.faa.gov/pilots 29/01/2016
www.faa.gov/regulations_policies 29/01/2016
www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/faa_regulations 29/01/2016
www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/handbooks_manuals 29/01/2016
www.faa-ground-school.com 17/10/2015
www.fai.org 05/06/2020 The World Air Sports Federation, was founded
in 1905. It is a non-governmental and non-profit making international
organisation with the basic aim of furthering aeronautical and astronautical
activities worldwide, ratifying world and continental records and coordinating
the organisation of international competitions.
www.falconaravia.com 16/04/2017
www.falconmodels.co.nz 21/02/2017
www.falke.hu 09/09/2019
Ez a honlap a Falke típusú motoros vitorlázógép népszerűsítésére
született. Közkedvelt típus, elsősorban az elérhetősége miatt. Ha valaki csak
hobbi szinten szeretne repülni, akkor a legoptimálisabb választás.
www.fanakit.fr 21/02/2017
www.fantasyofflight.com/collection 19/02/2017
www.fantasyofflight.com/venues 11/01/2017
www.fap.fi 05/12/2016
www.fap.mil.pe 06/04/2018
www.f-a-p.nl 06/04/2018
www.far148studio.com 25/08/2014
www.farfromglory.com/ac119_shadowstinger.htm 01/12/2015
www.farfromglory.com/aircraft.htm 01/12/2015
www.fargoairmuseum.org 16/02/2017
www.farnborough.com 15/08/2016
www.fast-air.co.uk 22/11/2017
www.fastaviationdata.com 17/08/2014
www.fayetteflyers.com 16/01/2015
www.fb-111a.net 11/01/2015
Welcome to FB-111A.net - infos and photos about the FB-111.
www.fdh-spotter.de 25/08/2014
www.feltsfield.com 26/10/2015
www.feltsfield.com/mainhelo.html 26/10/2015
www.feltsfield.com/maintap.html 26/10/2015
www.fencecheck.com 31/01/2017
www.ffaa.net 27/01/2017
Site non-officiel dédié à l'Aéronautique navale française : avions,
hélicoptères, hydravions, porte-avions, flottilles, escadrilles, bases
www.ffl-flighttraining.de 22/02/2020
www.ffmc.de 21/02/2017
www.ffscale.co.uk 02/07/2018
www.fh1100.com 21/02/2017
www.fiddlersgreen.net 15/02/2017
www.fightercombat.com 25/08/2014
www.fightercontrol.co.uk/forum 21/02/2017
www.fighter-planes.com 21/02/2017
www.fighterworld.com.au 21/02/2017
www.findaircraft.com 18/01/2015
Aircraft For Sale, Aircraft Sales, Airplanes for Sale, Cessna Aircraft,
Piper Aircraft, Used Aircraft for Sale, Aircraft Dealers, Used Airplanes for
Sale, Airplane Sales, Helicopter Sales.
www.finescale.com 21/02/2017
www.fio.es 19/02/2017
www.fishermodels.com 06/02/2018
www.flademir.com.br 15/07/2018
www.flapsdown.net/Fly-ins/Fly-ins.html 14/08/2014
www.flapsdown.net/home.html 14/08/2014
www.flapsdown.net/Liberty_Aviation_Museum.html 14/08/2014
www.flash-aviation.nl 14/08/2014
www.fleetairarm.com 22/02/2020 The history of the Royal Navy is preserved
for the benefit of today's and future generations by the National Museum of the
Royal Navy (NMRN) which includes four museums of the Royal Navy (NMRN
Portsmouth & HMS Victory, Royal Navy Submarine Museum, Fleet Air Arm Museum
and the Royal Marines Museum).
www.fleetairarmarchive.net/Daedalus 03/09/2014
www.flensted.eu.com 05/06/2020
Airwar over Denmark (1940-1945) by Søren C. Flensted.
www.flickr.com/groups/airshowsbe 01/02/2017
www.flickr.com/photos/smartjunco 22/11/2017
Andrew W. Sieber.
www.fliegerknipser.de 01/02/2017
www.fliegermuseum.ch 20/02/2017
www.flightglobal.com 21/02/2017
www.flightglobal.com/pdfarchive/index.html 21/02/2017
www.flightjournal.com 21/02/2017
www.flightjournal-digital.com/flightjournalmag/april_2017?pg=1 21/02/2017
www.flightmuseum.com 24/05/2018 In 1963, George Haddaway, a noted aviation
historian and the publisher of “Flight” magazine, donated his enormous
collection of artifacts and archival materials to The University of Texas.
www.flightradar24.com 5/31/2024 Flightradar24. The world’s most popular
flight tracker. Track planes in real-time on our flight tracker map and get
up-to-date flight status & airport information.
www.flightsimaviation.com 25/08/2014
www.flightsimbooks.com 03/10/2020
FlightSim Books. Full text of classic flight simulation books.
www.flightstats.com/go/Home/home.do 03/09/2014
www.flightstore.co.uk 03/09/2014
www.flitzerbiplane.com 27/04/2018
www.floridaparagliding.com 12/10/2016
www.flugausstellung.de 30/06/2014
www.flughafenbern.ch/de 30/06/2014
www.flughafen-bi.de 30/06/2014
www.flughafen-braunschweig.de 30/06/2014
www.flughafen-bremerhaven.de 30/06/2014
www.flughafen-fmo.de 30/06/2014
www.flughafen-innsbruck.at 30/06/2014
www.flughafen-luebeck.de 30/06/2014
www.flughafen-neubrandenburg.de 30/06/2014
www.flughafen-saarbruecken.de 30/06/2014
www.fluglaerm.de 30/06/2014
www.fluglaerm.de/hamburg/home.htm 30/06/2014
www.fluglaerm.de/kaufbeuren 30/06/2014
www.flugplaetze-der-luftwaffe.de 30/06/2014
www.flugwerk-mannheim.de/front_content.php 30/06/2014
www.flugzeugabstuerze-saarland.de/html/startseite.html 04/01/2018
Die Bilanz des Luftkrieges im Saarland 1939-1945. Die Seiten
dokumentieren die Abstürze von deutschen und alliierten Militärmaschinen im
Zweiten Weltkrieg auf dem Gebiet des Saarlandes und den angrenzenden Gebieten,
insbesondere der Westpfalz.
www.flugzeug-bilder.de 30/06/2014
www.flugzeugclassic.de 30/06/2014
www.flugzeugforum.de 09/03/2020 Forum rund um die Fliegerei heute und
gestern, Technik und Geschichte der Flugzeuge, Einsätze, Flugunfälle, Modellbau
und umfangreicher Datenbank.
www.flugzeug-fotos.de 30/06/2014
www.flugzeug-fotos.de/dflug_a.htm 30/06/2014
www.flugzeuginfo.net 27/01/2020
Flugzeuginfo. Das Flugzeuglexikon. Flugzeuginfo ist das grosse
Flugzeuglexikon mit Flugzeugdaten, Fotogalerie, Flughafen-Codes,
Flugzeug-Codes, Länder-Codes, NATO-Codes, Luftfahrt-Museen und vielem mehr.
www.flugzeuginfo.net/glossary_dt.php 30/06/2014
www.flugzeuginfo.net/index_en.php 13/02/2017
www.flugzeugmuseen.de 30/06/2014
www.flugzeugposter.de 30/06/2014
www.flugzeugwrackmuseum.de 05/01/2018
www.flugzone.ch 30/06/2014
www.fly.faa.gov/flyfaa/usmap.jsp 30/10/2015
www.flyaag.com 15/02/2017
www.flyaow.com 01/07/2015
www.flyaow.com/airlines.htm 01/07/2015
www.flybay.de/home.htm 01/07/2015
www.flybhx.co.uk 01/07/2015
www.flycorvair.com 27/10/2019
www.flycorvair.com/601.html 21/02/2016
www.flydc3.co.nz 21/02/2016
www.flydivi.com 27/10/2019
www.flydonsearlylight.com 27/10/2019
www.flydothan.com 27/10/2019
www.flydrcc.org 27/10/2019
www.flydubai.com/en 27/10/2019
www.flydw.org.uk 21/02/2016
www.flyelectric.com 27/10/2019
www.flyelite.ch/en 27/10/2019
www.flyer.co.uk 27/10/2019
Flyer is the UK’s leading magazine for General Aviation, established for
more than 25 years.
www.flyersoftime.com 26/08/2014
www.flyffh.com 22/02/2020
www.flygsport.se 19/09/2018
Svenska Flygsportförbundet.
www.flygvapenmuseum.nu 19/02/2017
www.flyingart.co.uk 22/11/2017
www.flyingbombsandrockets.com 03/01/2017
www.flyingbrick.nl 01/02/2017
www.flyingclippers.com/main.html 20/02/2017
www.flyingfighters.com.au 16/02/2017
www.flyinggiants.com/forums/showthread.php?t=66458 30/12/2014
www.flyingheritage.com 19/02/2017
www.flyingleathernecks.org 20/02/2017
www.flyingmag.com 13/02/2020 Aviation, Airplanes, News & Training.
www.flyingpioneers.com 21/02/2017
www.flyingshop.com 03/09/2014
www.flying-wings.com 01/02/2017
www.flyit.com 21/02/2017
www.flypastphotography.com 01/02/2017
www.flypcc.org/index.shtml 03/03/2019
www.flyprecision.com 05/03/2019
www.flyprecision.com/operations 05/03/2019
www.flyproducts.com 05/03/2019
www.flyrc.com 05/03/2019
www.flyrc.com/masters-workshop 05/03/2019
www.flyreva.com 01/01/2015
www.flysfo.com/museum/aviation-museum-library 03/01/2016
www.flysnf.org 11/05/2018
www.flytorrey.com 23/11/2020 The Torrey Pines Gliderport, is the most
historic aviation site in North America, with nearly 100 years of flying
history. It is Southern California’s premiere location for paragliding, hang
gliding, remote control models and sailplanes.
www.flyvrak.net/index.htm 01/07/2015
www.flywaikato.co.nz 01/07/2015
www.flywales.co.uk 01/07/2015
www.flywellington.co.nz 01/07/2015
www.flywfc.org/index.php 01/07/2015
www.flywith.com 01/07/2015
www.flywithce.com 01/07/2015
www.flywiththestars.co.uk 01/07/2015
www.focalplane.karoo.net/HAR/welcome/welcome.htm 01/02/2017
www.fokkerdr1.com 20/02/2017
www.fokkerdvii.nl 20/02/2017
www.fomento.es/MFOM/LANG_CASTELLANO/direcciones_generales/aviacion_civil 06/04/2017
www.fork-cms.com 20/02/2017
www.formulav.com/wittman 19/02/2017
www.fostaire.com 02/12/2015
www.fotodj.com 25/08/2014
www.fotosearch.com/fotos-imagenes/aviation.html 21/02/2017
www.fototom.be/portfolio-item/aviation 17/02/2020 Aviation. Tom Brinckman, freelance reportage
fotograaf in Brugge.
www.fougamagister.be 30/01/2017
Welcome to Magister Aviation, dedicated to providing consultancy
services for everything related to the Fouga CM.170. We have an extensive
library and 15+ years of experience with the Fouga. Magister Aviation is the
playground of Tine Soetaert.
www.fouga-magister.com 03/10/2019
Vivez les sensations d'un pilote de chasse!. Il est aujourd'hui possible
de prendre place à bord d'un Fouga-Magister pour découvrir les sensations
fortes d'un véritable vol d'entraînement de pilote de chasse.
www.fox3photo.com 01/02/2017
www.foxbat.ru 25/08/2014
www.fradu-hunters.co.uk 03/09/2014
www.franceballoons.com 16/01/2015
www.france-voltige.org 15/02/2017
www.frankambrose.com 06/11/2015
www.frankambrose.com/pages/781.html 06/11/2015
www.frankambrose.com/pages/chart.html 06/11/2015
www.frankambrose.com/pages/crew1.html 06/11/2015
www.frankambrose.com/pages/news.html 06/11/2015
www.franknoort.nl/index.html 01/02/2017
www.franks-aviation-images.de 14/02/2017
www.franktiano.com 26/12/2015
www.frankversteegh.nl 14/02/2017
Frank Versteegh is sharing his professional experience. He is a keynote
speaker about safety, working attitude and risk management and delivers a
message at your own company!
www.fredsboringpictures.com 25/08/2014
www.freecomputerdesktopwallpaper.com/waviation.shtml 24/10/2015
www.freefall.com/index.php 26/10/2015
www.freewebs.com/444thbg 12/02/2017
www.freewebs.com/aeroscale 21/02/2017
www.freewing.com 21/02/2017
www.friendsofleistonairfield.co.uk 23/05/2017
The 'Friends of Leiston Airfield' was formed in the summer of 1995 by
Peter Saunders, Chris Betson and the late Peter Barker, after a group of people
with holiday caravans on the 'Cakes & Ale Park', had become concerned that
a small memorial erected on a hardstand in an area hidden from view from the
general public, had become neglected and rubbish strewn.
www.frsky-rc.com 30/12/2014
www.fsmex.com/foros/index.php 05/01/2020
www.fsv2000.at 07/09/2019 Flugsportverein FSV2000 Stockerau. Unser
Flugplatz liegt am Stadtrand von Stockerau, ganz in der Nähe von Wien. Wir
haben eine 800m lange Asphaltpiste, die unter Sichtflugbedingungen bei Tag
angeflogen werden kann.
www.fsvisions.nl 05/06/2020 FsVisions. De Flight Simulator nieuwssite
van Nederland.
www.fsv-obdu.de 05/06/2020 Flugsportverein Oberhausen Duisburg e.V.
www.ftsa.org.au 21/02/2017
www.fujiengines.com 16/07/2018
www.fvk.de 27/04/2018
www.fvk.de/Motorentabelle.html 27/04/2018
www.fw-190.de 05/06/2020 Focke Wulf 190. Im Internet gibt es einige
sehr gute Dokumentationen über die Focke Wulf FW190, die sich von den ersten
Versuchsträgern über die Serienfertigung bis hin zu den Einsätzen im Zweiten
Weltkrieg beschäftigen.
www.gaetanmarie.com 25/08/2014
www.gatineauglidingclub.ca 01/07/2015
www.gatwick-aviation-museum.co.uk 08/11/2015
Gatwick Aviation Museum. This Aviation Museum has a unique collection of
British aircraft from the "golden age" of British aircraft
www.gavs.it 05/07/2017
www.gawlermicrolights.com 05/07/2017
www.geaviation.com 05/05/2018
GE Aviation is a world-leading provider of commercial, military and
business and general aviation jet and turboprop engines and components as well
as avionics, electrical power and mechanical systems for aircraft.
www.geaviation.com/military 05/05/2018
Military Solutions. GE Aviation is a world-leading provider of military
aircraft engines, systems, services and components.
www.geocities.jp/roah_naha 23/02/2015
www.geocities.jp/supoira 23/02/2015
www.georg-hoch.ch 05/06/2020 Wissenswertes über die Schweizer
Militäraviatik. Wissenswertes über die Schweizer Luftwaffe. Nostalgisches und
aktuelles für Modellbauer.
www.geschichtsspuren.de 03/01/2017
www.getmapping.com 05/05/2020
Getmapping Plc is a leading provider of aerial photography, mobile
mapping, LiDAR, digital mapping and geospatial solutions across Europe and
Africa. Getmapping has offices in Fleet, UK, Cape Town and Centurion in South
www.gfk.se 08/12/2016
www.ghballooning.nl 17/08/2014
www.ghostsquadron.co.uk/welcome.html 08/04/2017
The Ghost Squadron Aircraft Team was formed in 1980 to promote the
public awareness of large scale model aircraft, and to demonstrate these models
to both fellow modellers and the general public.
www.ghostsquadron.co.uk/welcome_and_latest_news.html 05/06/2020 The Ghost Squadron Aircraft Team was formed
in 1980 to promote the public awareness of large scale model aircraft, and to
demonstrate these models to both fellow modellers and the general public.
www.gillesvidal.com/blogpano/cockpit1.htm 28/06/2018
www.giman-collection.it/airplane.htm 04/08/2016
www.gliding.co.uk 26/10/2015
www.gliding.co.uk/club-finder 26/10/2015
www.gliding.org 26/10/2015
www.gliding.sk 16/02/2016
Radi vás privítame v Martine na letisku v Tomčanoch a umožníme vám to!.
Ak vás oslovuje motorové lietadlo, náš Dynamic WT9 pilotovaný skúsenými pilotmi
je pripravený urobiť vám z obyčajného dňa životný zážitok.
www.glidingcaboolture.org.au 26/10/2015
www.glidingcanterbury.org.nz 26/10/2015
www.gliding-in-melbourne.org 26/10/2015
www.glidingmagazine.com 26/10/2015
www.glidingmagazine.com/stories.asp 26/10/2015
www.globalair.com 25/08/2014
www.globalaircraft.org 03/09/2014
www.globemaster.de 13/02/2017
Welcome to the GLOBEMASTER US Military Aviation Database. US Air Force,
US Navy, US Marine Corps, US Coast Guard, US Army Military Bases and Units.
www.globemaster.de/airextreme 13/02/2017
www.globemaster.de/c-17 13/02/2017
www.globemaster.de/flighttracker.html 13/02/2017
www.globemaster.de/html/armyunits.html 22/01/2016
US Army Aviation Units. The database contains US Army helicopter and
aircraft operating units, the corresponding aircraft, air fields, tail codes
and links to the official websites.
www.globemaster.de/html/dictionary.html 23/07/2014
Military abbreviations and acronyms of the US Armed Forces. The database
contains about 15,000 abbreviations, acronyms and aircraft designations of all
military branches.
www.gloster.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/main.htm 03/09/2014
www.gme-airfoto.de 01/02/2017
www.goarmy.com/events/golden-knights.html 18/02/2017
www.goldenwingsmuseum.com 05/03/2019
www.goldenwingsmuseum.com/collection/collection.htm 05/03/2019
www.goldenwingsmuseum.com/photo_gallery/photo_gallery.htm 05/03/2019
www.goldtimer.hu 28/04/2018
www.goldtimer.hu/galeria.html 28/04/2018
www.gonavy.jp 03/09/2014
www.goodall.com.au 26/08/2014
www.gov.uk/government/organisations/air-accidents-investigation-branch 20/02/2018
The Air Accidents Investigation Branch investigates civil aircraft
accidents and serious incidents within the UK, its overseas territories and
crown dependencies.
www.gps.co.uk 20/02/2018
MENDELSSOHN Pilot Supplies a trading name of GPS Europe Ltd. supply a
vast range of aviation equipment and avionics from their Edinburgh warehouse /
pilot shop.
www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/airplane/bgp.html 09/09/2018
www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/airplane/forces.html 09/09/2018
www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/airplane/index.html 09/09/2018
www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/airplane/kitesafe.html 09/09/2018
www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/airplane/newton.html 09/09/2018
www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/airplane/short.html 09/09/2018
www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/airplane/shortt.html 09/09/2018
www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/freesoftware_page.htm 09/09/2018
www.grc.nasa.gov/www/k-12/UEET/StudentSite/historyofflight.html 09/09/2018
www.greathobbies.com 24/02/2020
www.greatoakleyairfield.co.uk 16/06/2019
Welcome to Great Oakley Airfield. This delightful airfield is situated
in picturesque farmland on the East Coast of England close to Harwich in Essex,
an excellent base from which to explore East Anglia.
www.greatplanes.com 01/07/2014
www.greatplanes.com/parts 01/07/2014
www.greattexasballoonrace.com 22/02/2016
www.gruyere.aero 12/03/2015
www.gryffinaero.com/models 31/07/2019
Free Flight Fantasies. Thanks for stopping by to visit my hangar. When
not working, I spend much of my free time designing, building and flying
miniature aircraft.
www.gryffinaero.com/models/cotwgs.html 12/03/2015
www.gryffinaero.com/models/ffpages/tips/hlgtips.html 12/03/2015
www.gryffinaero.com/models/ffpages/tips/tips.html 31/07/2019
Free Flight Tips. I thought this would be a good place to pass along
some of the tricks learned by more experienced builders and fliers.
www.gryffinaero.com/models/ffpages/tools/winder/lube.html 12/03/2015
www.gryffinaero.com/models/index.html 12/01/2017
Free Flight Fantasies. Thanks for stopping by to visit my hangar. When
not working, I spend much of my free time designing, building and flying
miniature aircraft.
www.gryffinaero.com/pathways/main.html 12/03/2015
www.gsfk.se 10/05/2019
www.gtaviation.co.uk 14/03/2017
www.gtba.co.uk 14/03/2017
www.h2aviationimages.com 31/12/2016
www.habu.org 03/09/2014
www.hacoma.de/panam/d_start.php 17/01/2015
www.hactl.com/en-US/Home.aspx 17/01/2015
www.hallwindmeter.com 06/11/2015
www.hamburg-airport.de/de 27/02/2016
Hamburg Airport. Alle Informationen zum Flughafen Hamburg - zu An- und
Abflug, Parken, Reisen, Restaurants, Shops & Services.
www.hampshireairfields.co.uk 22/10/2015
The Hampshire Airfields site provides a page on each Hampshire
airfield(Land or Water), past or present, showing runway layout,
position,height ASL and a brief history.
www.handmadebymachine.com/shop/index.php 01/02/2017
www.hangar71.com 31/01/2017
www.hangar9aeroworks.com 21/01/2016
Hangar 9 Aeroworks. John Baker. Main Page for Hangar 9 Aeroworks, a
website for sport aviation enthusiasts. Specializing in Aeronca and Stinson
www.hangarflying.eu 17/02/2020 Hangar Flying. Belgian Aviation Magazine.
Hangar flying is de Engelse uitdrukking voor het keuvelen over luchtvaart. We
willen op een aangename en eigenzinnige manier artikels brengen over de
Belgische burgerlijke en militaire vliegerij.
www.hangarflying.eu/luchtvaartpatrimonium-2 11/07/2019
Online database van het Belgisch Luchtvaarterfgoed. Deze gegevensbank
van ons luchtvaarterfgoed is het resultaat van jarenlang onderzoek van een hele
schare medewerkers.
www.hatfield-herts.co.uk/aviationandaerospace.html 15/10/2015
www.hawker.com 21/01/2016
For more than half a century, Hawker Pacific Aerospace has been a
leading independent international maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO)
www.hawkertempest.se 07/01/2015
www.hazersflightline.com 25/08/2014
www.hazersflightline.com/hornetsnest.htm 19/02/2017
www.heathrowairport.com/about-us 03/09/2014
www.heavens-above.com 03/09/2014
www.hedgehoghollow.com/buzz/walkarounds 19/02/2017
www.heli-chair.com 20/07/2014
www.helicopterfoundation.org 10/09/2015
www.helicoptermuseum.co.uk 20/02/2017
www.helifreak.com/index.php 28/02/2020
www.helimaxaviation.net 18/06/2019
Helimax Aviation, Inc. is based in Sacramento, California and has been
serving the utility industries in the area since 1996.
www.helimission.org 06/02/2017
Die Stiftung Helimission ist ein internationales Helikopter-Hilfswerk,
welches im Jahre 1971 von Ernst Tanner gegründet worden ist. Seit 2002 ist
Simon Tanner, Sohn von Ernst und Hedi, Leiter der Helimission.
www.helinets.com 10/12/2016
www.helinews.com 10/12/2016
www.heliniugini.net 06/02/2017
Heli Niugini Limited (HNL) is a Papua New Guinea (PNG) incorporated
company with experience in operations throughout PNG, Australia, Asia and the
www.heli-one.com 10/12/2016
www.helis.com/introduction/prin.php 16/02/2017
www.helisota.com 30/12/2017
www.helispares.com 30/12/2017
www.helistart.com 30/12/2017
www.heliswissinternational.com 30/12/2017
www.heliteam.de 30/12/2017
www.helitec.com 30/12/2017
www.helitech.com 30/12/2017
www.helitorque.com/portal 30/12/2017
www.helitowcart.com 30/12/2017
www.helitrade.at 30/12/2017
www.hemac.co.uk 23/05/2017
Welcome to HEMAC. Flying a model plane and taking command of the skies
is a real thrill, and at Hough End Model Aircraft Club, you can enjoy all the
excitement of piloting an aircraft - plus it's affordable, sociable and great
www.henkvanderheijden.nl 03/09/2014
www.highflyingtalks.co.uk 02/06/2018
www.high-g.com/productions/index.htm 02/06/2018
www.high-g.com/technologies/index.htm 02/06/2018
www.highglide.co.uk 02/06/2018
www.highhopesballoon.com 02/06/2018
www.highlineparagliding.com 22/02/2016
www.hill.af.mil 19/02/2017
www.hiller.org 16/02/2017
www.hillsboroaviation.com 12/05/2019
www.hippocketaeronautics.com 02/07/2018
www.histarmar.com.ar/Armada%20Argentina/AviacionNaval/REC-AT-GrummanDuck.htm 11/01/2016
Aviones de reconocimiento y ataque de la aviacion naval. GRUMMAN G-15 Y
www.histarmar.com.ar/IndiceArmadaArg.htm 11/01/2016
Indice Armada argentina.
www.histarmar.org/index.htm 11/01/2016
FUNDACION HISTARMAR. El sitio web de Histarmar fue creado por Carlos Mey
en Febrero del 2003 y comenzó a publicarse el 15 de Abril de ese mismo año, con
el objeto de difundir el conocimiento de la Arqueologia e Historia Marítima en
idioma español, principalmente sobre temas del mundo hispanohablante.
www.histaviation.com 03/07/2015
www.historicaircraftcollection.ltd.uk 13/03/2017 Historic Aircraft Collection was formed in
1985 by Guy Black and Angus Spencer-Nairn to restore and operate Spitfire Mk.
IX TE566.
www.historicaircraftrestorationmuseum.org 28/05/2015
Welcome to the new website for the Historic Aircraft Restoration Museum
located at Creve Coeur Airport.
www.historicalaircraftsquadron.com 28/05/2015
The Historical Aircraft Squadron, Inc. is an all- volunteer, non-profit
organization dedicated to the restoration, display and operation of former
military aircraft and related equipment in our hangar/ museum located at the
Fairfield County Airport.
www.historicaviation.com 04/01/2018
For years, Historic Aviation has been the best place for modelers and
aviation enthusiasts to shop! We offer thousands of models, kits, books, DVDs,
prints and posters, hats and t-shirts, and much more.
www.historylink.org/File/3563 14/03/2017
www.historyofaircargo.com 20/02/2017
www.hobbylinc.com 28/10/2019
Hobbylinc is family owned and operated from Atlanta, Georgia since 1971.
Originally a local hobby shop, Hobbylinc moved exclusively online in 1994 with
the simple idea of offering the largest selection of general hobby items at the
lowest prices.
www.hobbymaster.com.hk 17/07/2018
www.hobbyshop.cz/shop/cs 17/07/2018
www.holzleicht-flugzeugbau.de 30/10/2019
www.homebuiltairplanes.com/forums/forum.php 11/08/2018
www.hootonparktrust.co.uk 05/03/2019
www.horizontalrain.com/aviation.shtml 01/02/2017
www.hotairballooning.org 15/02/2017
www.hot-airballoons.com 19/11/2015
www.hot-airballoons.com/where-we-fly 19/11/2015
www.hotairballoonteam.com 19/11/2015
www.hotairflyer.com 19/11/2015
www.hotairjubilee.com 19/11/2015
www.hot-hit.ch 27/12/2015
www.hottail.nl/index.html 01/02/2017
www.howardaircraft.com 24/08/2018
The Howard Aircraft Foundation (HAF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit
foundation dedicated to the preservation and support of the airplanes inspired
in the 1930's by the vision of Ben O. Howard.
www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/SP-468/contents.htm 22/07/2016
Quest for Performance: The Evolution of Modern Aircraft.
www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/x1/goodlin.html 16/02/2017
www.hsc25.navy.mil 22/02/2019
This is a World Wide Web site for official information about Helicopter
Sea Combat Squadron TWO FIVE. It is provided as a public service by HSC-25. The
purpose is to provide information and news about HSC-25 to the general public.
www.hsc6.navy.mil 22/02/2019
This is a World Wide Web site for official information about Helicopter
Sea Combat Squardon SIX. It is provided as a public service by HSC-6.
www.hsl.org.au 26/10/2017
H.S.L. is the oldest Club of its type in N.S.W. It is primarily a radio
controlled glider Club. We also encourage and have eletric powered models being
flown by members.
www.htshelicopters.com/home.php 27/02/2016
Helicopter Transport Services began operations in Baltimore, Maryland in
1993, specializing in charter, law enforcement and electronic news gathering
www.hubifly.at 07/10/2017
www.hubschrauber.li/index_frame.htm 07/10/2017
www.hubschrauber-akademie.de 07/10/2017
www.hubschraubermuseum.de 04/05/2018
www.hubschrauberschulung.de 07/10/2017
www.hunterteam.com 01/02/2017
www.hyperionaustralia.com.au 14/04/2016
www.hyperneticsltd.com 30/11/2014
www.hyperscale.com 15/11/2017
www.hypertekhybrids.com/mainpage.html 19/11/2019
www.iac.org 27/05/2020
www.iafpa.org.uk 09/04/2018
www.ianallanpublishing.com/aviation-civil 01/02/2017
www.ianallanpublishing.com/aviation-military 01/02/2017
www.iapa.be 01/02/2017
www.icao.int/Pages/default.aspx 26/08/2014
www.icao.int/Pages/ES/default_es.aspx 28/06/2018
www.icaro2000.com 11/09/2015
www.icarusgold.com/FS/news.php 11/09/2015
www.ifatca.org 28/06/2018
www.ifr-magazine.com 30/08/2018
www.ifr-refresher.com 30/08/2018
www.ifrwest.com 15/06/2014
www.ihpa.ie 28/05/2014
www.illinoisaviationmuseum.org 07/08/2016
www.illinoisskydivingcenter.com 07/08/2016
www.infinitair.com 30/11/2014
www.inta.es 15/08/2014
www.interglobal.org/ia 03/09/2014
www.internetmodeler.com/scalemodels/aviation/index.php 01/02/2017
www.internetmuseum.se 16/02/2017
www.iowapilots.org 15/02/2017
www.iparaglide.com 04/12/2015
www.ipmsstockholm.se/home 05/06/2020 International Plastic Modellers’ Society
består av en mängd föreningar över hela världen som ägnar sig åt att bygga
plastmodeller. IPMS Stockholm organiserar huvudstadens modellbyggare.
www.ipmsstockholm.se/home/category/artiklar/ipms-stockhom-magazine 05/06/2020 Magazine. IPMS Stockholm.
www.irishairpics.com 05/06/2020
Irish Air Pics. Since 2002 we have visited over 40 countries,
photographing aircraft and the people who work with them.
www.iwantcessnaparts.com 05/06/2020 I Want Cessna Parts. Premier Aviation -
Quality Cessna Aircraft Parts. Authorized Cessna Aircraft / Textron Aviation
parts dealer. One of the Largest, Continually Updated Databases for Cessna
Aircraft Parts Available.
www.iwm.org.uk/visits/iwm-duxford 05/06/2020 IWM Duxford is Europe's largest air museum,
housing an extraordinary collection of historic aircraft.