Friday, June 5, 2020

History. - (82 links).   26/10/2017   101 Squadron. I would love to turn this Web site into a study of the history of air operations in the Israeli War of Independence and of the Israel's aircraft acquisition in foreign lands during and previous to the war. Unfortunately, this is still a hobby, not a job, and I can only work on this in my spare time. Initially, at least, I have to limit myself to 101 Squadron.   20/03/2017   08/11/2019   319th Bomb Group Website.   08/11/2019   Welcome to Boyd Thompson's. 32nd Bomb Squadron, 1942 -1945, Web-Site. A Place for Old Friends to Get Together, Tell Us Where and How They Are, Record History, and Share Memories and Information about the 32nd Bomb Squadron and Its Members in WWII.   23/02/2020   09/12/2019   19/04/2017   19/04/2017   24/05/2018   The 78 Squadron Association, is a not for profit organisation,was started in Sydney after WWII by active members of the Squadron who were committed to keeping their achievements and memory strong for all eternity.Since that time, the running of the associations' "baton" has been handed on.   18/02/2020   21/02/2020   28/08/2019   World War Two & Aviation History. WW2 and Aviation. Facts, History, and Pictures. Biographies of fighter pilots and aces. Famous pictures of WW2. Profiles and specs of aircraft. Medals of WW2. Pilots and planes of WW1. Ships of WW2. The pilots on this website fought to defend American democracy and freedom.   20/05/2017   An archive of Historical Aviation Photos: military and civil airplanes, airfields, and pilots. Here are seven galleries of aviation photos on these topics: World War Two fighters, heavy bombers, light bombers, the B-26, 56th Fighter Group pilots, Boston and Hartford airports, 1936 - 38, and Transports & Trainers.   13/11/2019   Aerostories, l’aviation et l’histoire, aviation and history.   25/05/2020   11/03/2017   20/08/2019   The Commemorative Air Force (CAF) is a 501 (c) 3 Texas non-profit organization dedicated to flying and restoring World War II aircraft. The organization's headquarters officed are based in Dallas, Texas, at Dallas Executive Airport. At this time the organization has more than 12,000 members and has a fleet of more than 175 World War II aircraft.   31/07/2019   Harry Ira Downes (1905-1970). Days Of Glory And Early Aviation.   28/08/2019   Военная тематика и моделизм. Armament, Military history, Modeling.   17/04/2020   Flying ART. Helmut Schmidt.   17/04/2020   Bookie's Focke-Wulf 190 / Ta 152 Page. This site is dedicated to the Focke-Wulf 190/Ta 152 aircraft of World War II. The result of many years of research, this page has information, articles, photos, colour profiles and more.   18/04/2020   Hawaii Aviation Preservation Society. We are dedicated to preserving Hawaii's Aviation Heritage by researching and recording the Aviation History of The Hawaiian Islands. We will endeavor to preserve historic aircraft and to memorialize the aviators who gave their lives in the service of their country.  Our goal is to inform and educate the public of the rich aviation heritage of Hawaii.   09/03/2020   Messerschmitt Me-109/Bf-109. There was no fighter of which more were produced than of the Messerschmitt 109. In total more than 35.000 of all versions were built. The type was in continuous operational service for over 30 years, from 1937 to 1968.   13/09/2018   28/08/2019   09/03/2020   Site de l'association Memorial-Flight. Créée en Mars 1988, Memorial Flight est une association à but non lucratif composée de bénévoles qui s'est donnée pour but la préservation et l'enrichissement du patrimoine aéronautique français.   09/03/2020   Welcome to the Norav Home Page. This site is dedicated to the various aspects of aviation as it affected the North East area of England. The following pages resulted from my own research carried out over a number of years. In memory Robert Dixon 1943-2015.   30/03/2020   Old Machine Press. New Memories of Old Machines. Throughout history, various mechanical marvels have fallen by the wayside, the worthiness of some failing to become even a footnote. Some machines were popular at first but were doomed to obsolescence. Others never found a market.   22/02/2020   Patrol Squadron 65 History with the Neptune. Patrol Squadron 65, the “Tridents” was established 33 years ago at NAS Los Alamitos, CA, on November 16, 1970. Following the Pueblo Call up in 1968, Naval Air Reserve underwent a major reorganization. This reorganization included the establishment of twelve land-based antisubmarine patrol squadrons.   30/03/2020   Musée Paulin Ratier.   20/03/2017   20/03/2017   17/04/2020   Håkans Aviation page. Biplane Fighter Aces from the Second World War. Welcome to my site about biplane fighter aces, their aircraft and major aerial operations were biplane fighters took part. The site also contains other aviation related subjects which I find interesting, including information about Swedish voluntary aviators from the Second World War.   28/08/2019   Sito dedicato agli aerei storici presenti in italia. L'intento è quello di elencare e raggruppare per tema tutti i siti presenti nella rete che trattano l'aeronautica italiana dal punto di vista storico. Sono inoltre presenti pagine e gallerie fotografiche personali.   06/05/2020   WASP on the WEB. A tribute to the WASP of WWII, Women Airforce Service Pilots, first women in history to fly America's military aircraft.   03/12/2019   Re-Living the Wright Way, NASA. The process which lead to the first successful airplane is exactly the same process used by NASA engineers today to solve problems.   21/01/2020   The American Aviation Historical Society is dedicated to preserving for future generations a detailed record of aviation events and milestones that have shaped the development and use of American aviaiton history. These efforts cover aviation from pre-Wright Brothers to current events and include WWI, WWII, the Golden Age of flying, commercial aviation and general aviation.   05/04/2017   05/04/2017   05/04/2017   19/03/2017   28/08/2019   28/08/2019   28/08/2019   28/08/2019   28/08/2019   28/08/2019   20/03/2017   03/06/2020   The British Airways Heritage Collection has existed since the formation of British Airways. It was formed to preserve the records and artefacts of British Airways' predecessor companies BOAC, BEA, BSAA and the pre-war Imperial Airways Limited as well as British Airways Ltd.   11/11/2017   12/03/2017   11/03/2017   HARGRAVE. Aviation and Aeromodelling - Interdependent Evolutions and Histories. This site celebrates the history and future of Australian and international Aviation. Australians Lawrence Hargrave, John and Reginald Duigan and their contemporaries through to the 21st century UAV Aerosonde.   11/03/2017   Lt.j.g. Korina Saltz, from San Juan Capistrano, Calif., watches as the crew finishes work on the plane she will fly on a combat mission supporting military operations in Afghanistan, late Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2002. She is based on the carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt that is sailing the Arabian Sea.   11/03/2017   Svetlana Yevgenyevna Savitskaya. Born August 8, 1948, USSR. On August 19, 1982, she lifted off in the Soyuz #7 and landed in the Soyuz #5 on August 27, 1982 for a duration of 7 days, 21 hours, 52 minutes. On July 17, 1984 she lifted off in the Soyuz #12 and landed in the Soyuz #12 on July 29, 1984 for a duration of 11 days, 19 hours, 14 minutes.   13/03/2017   Dryden Historical Aircraft Photo Collection. This collection contains digitized photos of many of the unique research aircraft flown at NASA Dryden Flight Research Center at Edwards, California. These images date from the 1940s. Recent photos are added only to the Image Gallery. No copyright protection is asserted for these photographs.   24/05/2018   Das Berlin der zwanziger und dreißiger Jahre galt weltweit als eines der wichtigsten Zentren der zivilen Luftfahrt. In dieser Zeit schlossen sich die Gesellschaften Deutscher Aero Lloyd (DAL) und Junkers Luftverkehr zusammen und bildeten die Deutsche Luft Hansa Aktiengesellschaft mit Sitz in Berlin.   13/03/2017   13/03/2017   05/06/2020   Airwar over Denmark (1940-1945) by Søren C. Flensted.   05/06/2020   Wissenswertes über die Schweizer Militäraviatik. Wissenswertes über die Schweizer Luftwaffe. Nostalgisches und aktuelles für Modellbauer.   13/03/2017   Historic Aircraft Collection was formed in 1985 by Guy Black and Angus Spencer-Nairn to restore and operate Spitfire Mk. IX TE566. Alongside this major project, two other Spitfires were recovered from gate guardian roles in Belgium. Spitfire IX MK912 in exchange for a Bristol Fighter and Spitfire XIV RN201 in exchange for a Fairy Battle.   14/03/2017   18/04/2020   LuftArchiv. Das Archiv über den Einsatz von Mensch und Material bei der Deutschen Luftwaffe im 2.Weltkrieg.   24/05/2018   Junkers Flugzeug- und Motorenwerke AG, Dessau. Die Junkers-Motorenentwicklung reicht sehr weit zurück. Bereits 1893 entwickelte Hugo Junkers zusammen mit Oechelhöuser den ersten Gegenkolben-Gasmotor.   24/05/2018   Luftfahrtgeschichte der Landeshauptstadt Erfurt des Freistaates Thüringen. Eine erste Erwähnung auf dem Gebiet der Luftfahrt für die Stadt Erfurt ist die naturwissenschaftliche Abhandlung über ein Luftschiff durch Karl Theodor von Dalberg aus dem Jahre 1785.   24/05/2018   Das Archiv wurde über mehrere Jahrzehnte hinweg ausschließlich mit privaten Mitteln aufgebaut. Seit 1990 reproduzieren wir unsere Archivunterlagen in Buchform und seit 2001 auch als digitalisierte Dateien im pdf-Format auf CD-DVD (300 dpi s/w oder 300 dpi gray-scale).   20/03/2017   12/03/2020   16/08/2019   16/08/2019   16/08/2019   16/08/2019   16/08/2019   16/08/2019   13/03/2017   The Old Flying Machine Company, formed in 1981 by Ray Hanna and his children Mark and Sarah, maintains and operates rare historic aircraft in airworthy condition.   20/03/2017   10/04/2020   13/03/2017   B-17 Preservation Ltd - The Sally B Website. The official website of Sally B, the UK's last airworthy B-17 flying fortress.

www.strahljä   19/11/2019   Auf dieser Seite wird eine umfangreiche - natürlich nie komplette - Auflistung von Me 262-Daten sowie weitere deutscher Raketen- und Strahljäger gezeigt. Strahljäger soll den Informationsaustausch fördern, zu Kontakten verhelfen. Der Wunsch ist eine auf Originaldokumente basierende Datensammlung, damit nicht noch mehr Fakten dieser Zeit verfälscht werden oder verloren gehen.   25/05/2020   24/08/2019   19/11/2019   Belgian Wreckhunters. The website about wrecks & relics, gate guards, monuments of the Belgian military aviation. The aim of this site is to provide information about Belgian military wrecks and relics, details of their locations and the present status.